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Meet Coricraft


Coricraft is a South African-based furniture manufacturer that has been in operation for over 40 years. The company was founded in 1978 with a mission to provide high-quality, stylish, and affordable furniture to the South African market.

Why Coricraft?

Coricraft is a South African-based furniture manufacturer that has been in operation for over 40 years. The company was founded in 1978 with a mission to provide high-quality, stylish, and affordable furniture to the South African market.

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Catalogue 2

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Transforming spaces, enhancing lives. Treta Brandhouse provides integrated interior design and supply solutions for
beautiful living and working spaces.


13, Bhoruth Lane, Mlle Laure Zone,
Terre Rouge, Mauritius, 21406

+230 5727 4917

Treta Brandhouse Ltd

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